Source code for opsoro.animate

This module defines the interface for animating an expression.

.. autoclass:: Animate

from __future__ import division

import time

from scipy import interpolate

[docs]class Animate(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, times, values): """ Class to facilitate the tweening of values in time. The animation starts when the object is created. Once ended, the call method will return the last item in values. :param list times: A list of timestamps in seconds, in increasing order. Timestamp 0 is the moment the Animate object was created. :param list values: A list of numerical values associated with timestamps. First element should be 0. """ self._start_time = time.time() self._end_time = self._start_time + times[-1] self._end_value = values[-1] # if animation time is < or = 0, do not interpolate if times[-1] <= 0: return times_offset = [t + self._start_time for t in times] self._iplt = interpolate.interp1d( times_offset, values, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=values[-1])
def __call__(self): """ Calculates and returns the current value of the animation. """ if self.has_ended(): return self._end_value # .item() is called so that a values type is returned. Otherwise _iplt # returns a 0D numpy array. return self._iplt(time.time()).item()
[docs] def has_ended(self): """ Returns true if the animation has ended. """ return time.time() > self._end_time
[docs]class AnimatePeriodic(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, times, values): """ Class to facilitate the tweening of values in time. The animation starts when the object is created. This class is a variant of the Animate class that does not end, but instead repeats its pattern indefinitely. :param list times: A list of timestamps in seconds, in increasing order. Timestamp 0 is the moment the Animate object was created. :param list values: A list of numerical values associated with timestamps. First element should be 0. """ self._start_time = time.time() self._period = times[-1] self._iplt = interpolate.interp1d( times, values, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=values[-1])
def __call__(self): """ Calculates and returns the current value of the animation. """ t = time.time() - self._start_time t = t % self._period return self._iplt(t).item()