Source code for opsoro.dof

# from opsoro.hardware import Hardware
import math
import random
import time

from scipy import interpolate

from opsoro.animate import Animate
from opsoro.console_msg import *

[docs]def constrain(n, minn, maxn): return max(min(maxn, n), minn)
[docs]class DOF(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, neutral=0.0, poly=None): """ DOF class. :param string name: name of the DOF. :param float neutral: neutral dof position. :param list poly: 20 dof values linked to emotions. """ = name self.tags = [] self.value = neutral self.to_value = neutral # Dict to store any extra data from YAML files = {} # # List of overlay functions # # def my_overlay(dofpos, dof): # # new_dof_pos = dofpos # # return my_new_pos # self.overlays = [] self._neutral = None self._interp_poly = None self._anim = None # Update control polygon self.set_control_polygon(neutral, poly) self.last_set_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self.last_set_value = neutral
[docs] def config(self, **args): pass
def __repr__(self): return "DOF(name=%s, neutral=%.2f, poly={...})" \ % (, self._neutral)
[docs] def set_control_polygon(self, neutral=0.0, poly=None): """ Sets the control polygon, 20 dof values are linked to certain emotions. :param float neutral: neutral dof position. :param list poly: 20 dof values linked to emotions. """ self._neutral = constrain(neutral, -1.0, 1.0) if poly is None or len(poly) == 0: self._interp_poly = lambda x: self._neutral else: dofs = map(lambda x: float(x), poly) # Fixed phis, this is currently always the same phis = [ -3.1415926535897931, -2.8108986900540254, -2.4802047265182576, -2.1495107629824899, -1.8188167994467224, -1.4881228359109546, -1.1574288723751871, -0.82673490883941936, -0.49604094530365161, -0.16534698176788387, 0.16534698176788387, 0.49604094530365161, 0.82673490883941891, 1.1574288723751867, 1.4881228359109544, 1.8188167994467221, 2.1495107629824899, 2.4802047265182576, 2.8108986900540254, 3.1415926535897931 ] # Sort lists indexes = range(len(phis)) sorted_dofs = map(dofs.__getitem__, indexes) # Create interpolation instance self._interp_poly = interpolate.interp1d(phis, sorted_dofs, kind="linear")
[docs] def calc(self, r, phi, anim_time=-1): """ Calculate dof value with the polygon, according to the given r and phi. :param float r: radius r, intensity of the emotion. :param float phi: (radians) angle of the emotion in the circumplex. :param float anim_time: time for the servo to move from previous dof to the new dof (-1: animation will be based on dof differences). """ # print_info('Calc; r: %d, phi: %d, time: %i' % (r, phi, anim_time)) # Calculate DOF position at max intensity if phi > 0: phi -= math.pi elif phi <= 0: phi += math.pi dof_at_max_r = float(self._interp_poly(phi)) # Interpolate between neutral DOF pos and max intensity DOF pos self.set_value(float(self._neutral) + (r * (dof_at_max_r - float(self._neutral))), anim_time)
# # Execute overlays # for overlay_fn in self.overlays: # try: # self.set_value(overlay_fn(self.value, self), anim_time) # except TypeError: # # Not a callable object, or function does not take 2 args # pass
[docs] def set_value(self, dof_value=0, anim_time=-1, is_overlay=False, update_last_set_time=True): """ Sets the dof value. If the dof value is 2 or larger, set it to a random value. :param float dof_value: new value of the dof. :param float anim_time: time for the servo to move from previous dof to the new dof (-1: animation will be based on dof differences). :param bool is_overlay: used to determine what priority the dof value has (overlay > default). :param bool update_last_set_time: update the last set timer of the dof. """ # print_info('Set value: %d, time: %i' % (dof_value, anim_time)) if dof_value >= 2: dof_value = random.uniform(-1, 1) dof_value = float(constrain(float(dof_value), -1.0, 1.0)) self.to_value = dof_value # Apply transition animation if anim_time < 0: anim_time = float(abs(dof_value - float(self.value))) / 1.0 self._anim = Animate([0, anim_time], [self.value, dof_value]) if not is_overlay: self.last_set_value = dof_value if update_last_set_time: self.last_set_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
[docs] def set_overlay_value(self, dof_value=0, anim_time=-1, update_last_set_time=True): """ Sets the overlay value and overwrites the dof position. :param float dof_value: new overlay value of the dof. :param float anim_time: time for the servo to move from previous dof to the new dof (-1: animation will be based on dof differences). :param bool update_last_set_time: update the last set timer of the dof. """ self.set_value(dof_value, anim_time, True, update_last_set_time)
[docs] def reset_overlay(self, anim_time=-1): """ Clears the overlay value and resets the dof position to the last set value. :param float anim_time: time for the servo to move from previous dof to the new dof (-1: animation will be based on dof differences). """ self.set_value(self.last_set_value, anim_time)
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the dof value according to the animation. :return: True if dof value is updated, False if dof value did not change. :rtype: bool """ if self._anim is not None: self.value = float(self._anim()) if self._anim is None or self._anim.has_ended(): self._anim = None return True return False
# def add_overlay(self, fn): # self.overlays.append(fn) # # def remove_overlay(self, fn): # self.overlays.remove(fn) # # def clear_overlays(self): # self.overlays = []