Source code for opsoro.expression

This module defines the interface for communicating with the expression.

.. autoclass:: _Expression

from __future__ import with_statement

import math
import os
import random
from functools import partial

import cmath
from opsoro.console_msg import *
from opsoro.robot import Robot

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

[docs]def constrain(n, minn, maxn): return max(min(maxn, n), minn)
get_path = partial(os.path.join, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
[docs]class _Expression(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self._emotion = 0 + 0j self._anim = None self.expressions = [] self.load_config()
[docs] def set_emotion_e(self, e=0 + 0j, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with complex number e, within a certain time. :param complex e: complex number e :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ # Print data to log # print_info("Emotion; e: " + str(e) + ", time: " + str(anim_time)) # Make sure emotion is restricted to within unity circle. if abs(e) > 1.0: e = cmath.rect(1.0, cmath.phase(e)) self._emotion = e phi = cmath.phase(self._emotion) r = abs(self._emotion) Robot.apply_poly(r, phi, anim_time)
[docs] def set_emotion_val_ar(self, valence, arousal, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with valence and arousal, within a certain time. :param float valence: valence :param float arousal: arousal :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ # Print data to log # print_info("Set Emotion; valence: " + str(valence) + ", arousal: " + # str(arousal) + ", time: " + str(anim_time)) e = 0 + 0j # Emotion from valence and arousal if valence is None or arousal is None: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters; valence and arousal need to be provided.") valence = constrain(valence, -1.0, 1.0) arousal = constrain(arousal, -1.0, 1.0) e = valence + arousal * 1j self.set_emotion_e(e, anim_time)
[docs] def set_emotion_r_phi(self, r, phi, degrees=False, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with r and phi, within a certain time. :param float r: radius of the circumplex :param float phi: angle of the circumplex :param bool degrees: is convertion to radians needed? :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ # Print data to log # print_info("Set Emotion; r: " + str(r) + ", phi: " + str(phi) + # ", deg: " + str(degrees) + ", time: " + str(anim_time)) e = 0 + 0j # Emotion from r and phi if r is None or phi is None: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters; r and phi need to be provided.") if degrees: phi = phi * math.pi / 180.0 phi = constrain(phi, 0.0, 2 * math.pi) r = constrain(r, 0.0, 1.0) Robot.apply_poly(r, phi, anim_time)
[docs] def update(self): """ Old function, not used in new system :return: nothing :rtype: None """ # Still here for backwards compatibility # This is done automatically return
[docs] def get_emotion_complex(self): """ Returns current emotion as a complex number :return: current emotion :rtype: complex """ return self._emotion
[docs] def set_emotion_name(self, name, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with name if defined in expression list, within a certain time. :param string name: name of the emotion to set :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ e = 0 + 0j # Emotion from name in list if name is None: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters; name needs to be provided.") index = 0 for exp in self.expressions: if 'name' in exp: if exp['name'] == name: self.set_emotion_index(index, anim_time) index += 1
[docs] def set_emotion_icon(self, icon, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with icon if defined in expression list, within a certain time. :param string icon: name of the icon to set :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ e = 0 + 0j # Emotion from icon in list if icon is None: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters; icon needs to be provided.") index = 0 for exp in self.expressions: if 'icon' in exp: if exp['icon'] == icon: self.set_emotion_index(index, anim_time) index += 1
[docs] def set_emotion_index(self, index, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with index in defined expression list, within a certain time. :param integer index: index of the emotion in the list of emotions :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ e = 0 + 0j # Emotion from list if index is None: raise RuntimeError("Bad combination of parameters; index needs to be provided.") index = constrain(index, 0, len(self.expressions) - 1) exp = self.expressions[index] if 'poly' in exp: # 20 values in poly, (poly * 2*pi/20) phi = constrain(exp['poly'] * math.pi / 10, 0.0, 2 * math.pi) Robot.apply_poly(1.0, phi, anim_time) if 'dofs' in exp: # send dofs directly to the robot Robot.set_dof_list(exp['dofs'], anim_time)
[docs] def set_emotion_random(self, all_random=True, anim_time=-1): """ Set an emotion with random index in defined expression list, within a certain time. Or set all dofs to a random position between -1 and 1. :param bool all_random: all dofs random or not :param float anim_time: time to set the emotion """ if all_random: Robot.set_dof([], 2, anim_time) else: self.set_emotion_index(random.randint(0, self.expressions), anim_time)
[docs] def set_config(self, config=None): if config is not None and len(config) > 0: save_new_config = (self.expressions != config) self.expressions = json.loads(config) # Create all module-objects from data if save_new_config: self.save_config() return self.expressions
[docs] def load_config(self, file_name='robot_expressions.conf'): """ Load expressions from a expressions configurations file :param string file_name: name of the config file :return: True if file is successfully loaded :rtype: bool """ # Load modules from file if file_name is None: return False try: with open(get_path("config/" + file_name)) as f: self.expressions = if self.expressions is None or len(self.expressions) == 0: print_warning("Config contains no data: " + file_name) return False self.set_config(self.expressions) # print module feedback print_info("%i expressions loaded [%s]" % (len(self.expressions), file_name)) except IOError: self.expressions = {} print_warning("Could not open " + file_name) return False return True
[docs] def save_config(self, file_name='robot_expressions.conf'): """ Save the current expressions configurations :param string file_name: name of the config file :return: True if file is successfully saved :rtype: bool """ # Save modules to json file if file_name is None: return False try: with open(get_path("config/" + file_name), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.expressions)) print_info("Expressions saved: " + file_name) except IOError: print_warning("Could not save " + file_name) return False return True
# Global instance that can be accessed by apps and scripts Expression = _Expression()