Source code for opsoro.hardware

This module defines the interface for communicating with the shield.

.. autoclass:: _Hardware

import threading
import time

from spi import SPI
from usb_serial import Serial

from . import analog, capacitive, i2c, neopixel, servo

# > GENERAL                  IN  OUT
CMD_NOP = 0  # 0   0    No operation
CMD_NC = 255  # 0   0    Not connected
CMD_PING = 1  # 0   1    To check connection
CMD_RESET = 3  # 0   0    Reset the ATmega328
CMD_LEDON = 4  # 0   0    Turn LED on
CMD_LEDOFF = 5  # 0   0    Turn LED off

[docs]class _Hardware(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Hardware class, used to communicate with the shield. """ # Add a global lock that can be used to coordinate concurrent access to # the hardware class from multiple threads. self.lock = threading.Lock() # self.analog = self.Analog = analog.Analog() self.Capacitive = capacitive.Capacitive() self.I2C = i2c.I2C() self.Neopixel = neopixel.Neopixel() self.Servo = servo.Servo() self.SPI = SPI self.Serial = Serial
def __del__(self): pass # > GENERAL
[docs] def ping(self): """ Returns True if OPSOROHAT rev3 is connected. :return: True if shield is connected :rtype: bool """ return SPI.command(CMD_PING, returned=1)[0] == 0xAA
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the ATmega328, MPR121 and PCA9685.""" SPI.command(CMD_RESET, delay=2)
[docs] def led_on(self): """Turns status LED on.""" SPI.command(CMD_LEDON)
[docs] def led_off(self): """Turns status LED off.""" SPI.command(CMD_LEDOFF)
# Global instance that can be accessed by apps and scripts Hardware = _Hardware()