Source code for opsoro.robot

This module defines the interface for communicating with the robot.

.. autoclass:: _Robot

import os
import time
from functools import partial

from flask_login import current_user

from opsoro.console_msg import *
from opsoro.hardware import Hardware
from opsoro.module import *
from opsoro.module.eye import Eye
from opsoro.module.mouth import Mouth
from opsoro.module.turn import Turn
from opsoro.preferences import Preferences
from opsoro.stoppable_thread import StoppableThread
from opsoro.users import Users

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

get_path = partial(os.path.join, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

MODULES = {'eye': Eye, 'turn': Turn, 'mouth': Mouth}

[docs]class _Robot(object): # class Activation(IntEnum): # MANUAL = 0 # 0: Manual start/stop # AUTO = 1 # 1: Start robot automatically (alive feature according to preferences) # AUTO_ALIVE = 2 # 2: Start robot automatically and enable alive feature # AUTO_NOT_ALIVE = 3 # 3: Start robot automatically and disable alive feature # AUTO_ECO = 4 # 3: Start robot automatically and disable alive feature # # class Connection(IntEnum): # OFFLINE = 0 # 0: No online capability # PARTLY = 1 # 1: Needs online for extras, but works without # ONLINE = 2 # 2: Requires to be online to work
[docs] def __init__(self): self.modules = {} self.config = {} self.load_config() self._dof_t = None self._alive_t = None self.look_at_position = [0, 0, 0] # x y z(= depth) -1.0 <-> 1.0 self.auto_enable_servos = False self._alive_count_seed = 1.0 self._add_seed = 0.2
[docs] def start(self, alive=True): print_info('Start Robot loop') with Hardware.lock: Hardware.Servo.init() self.start_update_loop() if alive: if Preferences.get('behaviour', 'enabled', False): self.start_alive_loop()
[docs] def start_update_loop(self): Users.broadcast_robot({'dofs': self.get_dof_values(False)}, True) if self._dof_t is not None: self._dof_t.stop() with Hardware.lock: Hardware.Servo.enable() self._dof_t = StoppableThread(target=self.dof_update_loop)
[docs] def stop_update_loop(self): if self._dof_t is not None: self._dof_t.stop() if self.auto_enable_servos: with Hardware.lock: Hardware.Servo.disable()
[docs] def start_alive_loop(self): if self._alive_t is not None: self._alive_t.stop() self._alive_t = StoppableThread(target=self.alive_loop)
[docs] def stop_alive_loop(self): if self._alive_t is not None: self._alive_t.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): print_info('Stop Robot loop') with Hardware.lock: Hardware.Servo.disable() self.stop_alive_loop() self.stop_update_loop()
[docs] def set_config(self, config=None): if config is not None and len(config) > 0: save_new_config = (self.config != config) self.config = json.loads(config) # Create all module-objects from data self.modules = {} modules_count = {} for module_data in self.config['modules']: module_type = module_data['type'] if module_type in MODULES: # Create module object module = MODULES[module_type](module_data) # Count different modules if module_type not in modules_count: modules_count[module_type] = 0 modules_count[module_type] += 1 if in self.modules: for i in range(1000): if ('%s %i' % (, i)) not in self.modules: = ('%s %i' % (, i)) break self.modules[] = module # print module feedback print_info("Modules: " + str(modules_count)) if save_new_config: self.save_config() Users.broadcast_robot({'refresh': True}) return self.config
[docs] def set_dof(self, tags=[], value=0, anim_time=-1): for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): module.set_dof(tags, value, anim_time) self.start_update_loop()
[docs] def set_dof_value(self, module_name, dof_name, dof_value, anim_time=-1): if module_name is None: for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): module.set_dof_value(None, dof_value, anim_time) else: self.modules[module_name].set_dof_value(dof_name, dof_value, anim_time) self.start_update_loop()
[docs] def set_dof_values(self, dof_values, anim_time=-1): for module_name, dofs in dof_values.iteritems(): for dof_name, dof_value in dofs.iteritems(): self.modules[module_name].set_dof_value(dof_name, dof_value, anim_time) self.start_update_loop()
[docs] def set_dof_list(self, dof_values, anim_time=-1): for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): for name, dof in module.dofs.iteritems(): if hasattr(dof, 'pin') and is not None: if >= 0 and < len(dof_values): dof.set_value(dof_values[], anim_time) self.start_update_loop()
[docs] def get_dof_values(self, current=True): dofs = [] for i in range(16): dofs.append(0) for module_name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): for dof_name, dof in module.dofs.iteritems(): if hasattr(dof, 'pin') and is not None: if >= 0 and < len(dofs): if current: dofs[] = float(dof.value) else: dofs[] = float(dof.to_value) return dofs
[docs] def apply_poly(self, r, phi, anim_time=-1): for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): module.apply_poly(r, phi, anim_time) self.start_update_loop()
[docs] def dof_update_loop(self): time.sleep(0.05) # delay if self._dof_t is None: return while not self._dof_t.stopped(): if not self.update(): self.stop_update_loop() self._dof_t.sleep(0.02)
[docs] def alive_loop(self): time.sleep(0.5) # delay if self._alive_t is None: return while not self._alive_t.stopped(): updated = False for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): if module.alive_trigger(self._alive_count_seed): updated = True if updated: self._alive_count_seed += self._add_seed self.start_update_loop() self._alive_t.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def update(self): updated = False for name, module in self.modules.iteritems(): if module.update(): updated = True return updated
[docs] def load_config(self, file_name='robot_config.conf'): # Load modules from file if file_name is None: return False try: with open(get_path("config/" + file_name)) as f: self.config = if self.config is None or len(self.config) == 0: print_warning("Config contains no data: " + file_name) return False self.set_config(self.config) # print module feedback print_info("%i modules loaded [%s]" % (len(self.modules), file_name)) except IOError: self.config = {} print_warning("Could not open " + file_name) return False return True
[docs] def save_config(self, file_name='robot_config.conf'): # Save modules to json file if file_name is None: return False try: with open(get_path("config/" + file_name), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.config)) print_info("Modules saved: " + file_name) except IOError: print_warning("Could not save " + file_name) return False return True
[docs] def sleep(self): print_info('Night night... ZZZZzzzz....') self.set_dof(['eye', 'lid'], -1) pass
[docs] def wake(self): print_info('I am awake!') self.set_dof(['eye', 'lid'], 1) pass
# Global instance that can be accessed by apps and scripts Robot = _Robot()