Source code for opsoro.hardware.neopixel

from opsoro.hardware.spi import SPI

# > NEOPIXEL                IN  OUT
CMD_NEO_INIT = 80  # 1   0    Init Neopixel
CMD_NEO_ENABLE = 81  # 0   0    Turn on MOSFET
CMD_NEO_DISABLE = 82  # 0   0    Turn off MOSFET
CMD_NEO_SETBRIGHT = 83  # 1   0    Set brightness
CMD_NEO_SHOW = 84  # 0   0    Show pixels
CMD_NEO_SET = 85  # 4   0    Set single pixel
CMD_NEO_SETRANGE = 86  # 5   0    Set range of pixels
CMD_NEO_SETALL = 87  # 3   0    Set all pixels
CMD_NEO_SETHSV = 88  # 4   0    Set single pixel HSV
CMD_NEO_SETRANGEHSV = 89  # 5   0    Set range of pixels HSV
CMD_NEO_SETALLHSV = 90  # 3   0    Set all pixels HSV

[docs]class Neopixel(object): # > NEOPIXEL
[docs] def init(self, num_leds): """ Initialize the NeoPixel library. :param int num_leds: number of neopixel leds. """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_INIT, params=[num_leds])
[docs] def enable(self): """ Turns on the NeoPixel MOSFET, enabling the NeoPixels. Data is lost when pixels are disabled, so call show() again afterwards. """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_ENABLE)
[docs] def disable(self): """ Turns off the NeoPixel MOSFET, disabling the NeoPixels. Data is lost when pixels are disabled. """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_DISABLE)
[docs] def set_brightness(self, brightness): """ Set the NeoPixel's global brightness, 0-255. :param int brightness: brightness to set (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETBRIGHT, params=[brightness])
[docs] def show(self): """Sends the pixel data from the ATmega328 to the NeoPixels.""" SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SHOW)
[docs] def set_pixel(self, pixel, r, g, b): """ Set the color of a single pixel. :param int pixel: pixel index :param int r: red color value (0-255) :param int g: green color value (0-255) :param int b: blue color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SET, params=[pixel, r, g, b])
[docs] def set_range(self, start, end, r, g, b): """ Set the color of a range of pixels. :param int start: start index of led range :param int end: end index of led range :param int r: red color value (0-255) :param int g: green color value (0-255) :param int b: blue color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETRANGE, params=[start, end, r, g, b])
[docs] def set_all(self, r, g, b): """ Set the color of the entire strip. :param int r: red color value (0-255) :param int g: green color value (0-255) :param int b: blue color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETALL, params=[r, g, b])
[docs] def set_pixel_hsv(self, pixel, h, s, v): """ Set the HSV color of a single pixel. :param int pixel: pixel index :param int h: hue color value (0-255) :param int s: saturation color value (0-255) :param int v: value color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETHSV, params=[pixel, h, s, v])
[docs] def set_range_hsv(self, start, end, h, s, v): """ Set the HSV color of a range of pixels. :param int start: start index of led range :param int end: end index of led range :param int h: hue color value (0-255) :param int s: saturation color value (0-255) :param int v: value color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETRANGEHSV, params=[start, end, h, s, v])
[docs] def set_all_hsv(self, h, s, v): """ Set the HSV color of the entire strip. :param int h: hue color value (0-255) :param int s: saturation color value (0-255) :param int v: value color value (0-255) """ SPI.command(CMD_NEO_SETALLHSV, params=[h, s, v])