Source code for opsoro.module.eye

import time
from random import randint

from noise import pnoise1

from opsoro.console_msg import *
from opsoro.module import Module
from opsoro.preferences import Preferences

# import math

[docs]class Eye(Module): # pupil_horizontal # pupil_vertical # eyelid_closure
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None): """ Eye module class inherits default module class. :param dict data: configuration data to setup the module """ super(Eye, self).__init__(data) self.blink_return = False self.last_look_position = [0, 0, 0] # x y z(= depth) self.blink_delay = 5000 self.blink_delay_default = 5000 self.blink_speed = 400 self.look_delay = 4000 self.look_delay_default = 4000 self.look_speed = 500
[docs] def look(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): """ Look function to make the eye look at some point in space. :param float x: x position / horizontal :param float y: y position / vertical :param float z: z position / depth :return: True if the module updated something :rtype: bool """ # print_info('alive: look') # self.last_look_position # xdiff = self.last_look_position[0] - self.position['x'] # ydiff = self.last_look_position[1] - self.position['y'] # radius = math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff) # maxRadius = self.size['width'] # if radius > maxRadius: # radius = maxRadius # # # angle = math.atan2(ydiff, xdiff) # xPosPupil = math.cos(angle) * radius + self.position['x'] # yPosPupil = math.sin(angle) * radius + self.position['y'] # print_info(self.last_look_position) # print_info(xPosPupil) # pupil_horizontal # oldDOFvalHOR = float(self.dofs['pupil_horizontal'].value) + 0.01 # self.last_look_position = Robot.look_at_position self.dofs['horizontal'].set_overlay_value(0.0 + self.last_look_position[0], -1) # float(self.look_speed) / 1000.0) # pupil_vertical # oldDOFvalVER = float(self.dofs['pupil_vertical'].value) + 0.01 self.dofs['vertical'].set_overlay_value(0.0 + self.last_look_position[1], -1) # float(self.look_speed) / 1000.0) # self.look_delay = randint(self.look_delay_default*0.5, self.look_delay_default*1.5) return True
[docs] def alive_trigger(self, count_seed): """ This is triggered frequently, when the aliveness is turned on. :param float count_seed: seed value for randomization :return: True if the module updated something :rtype: bool """ currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) updated = False if Preferences.get('behaviour', 'blink', False): if (currentTime - self.dofs['lid'].last_set_time) > self.blink_delay: updated = self.blink(self.blink_speed / 1000.0) if Preferences.get('behaviour', 'gaze', False): if (currentTime - self.dofs['horizontal'].last_set_time) > self.look_delay: # Update random looking position # if Robot.look_at_position == self.last_look_position: for i in range(len(self.last_look_position)): # Add i to the seed for different x, y, z values self.last_look_position[i] = pnoise1(count_seed + i, 1) updated = self.look() return updated